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Picture Gallery

Take a look at some of the pictures which have been sent to us by some of our customers who use the Pizzari Home Tanning kits.

We would love to see your finished products and would be happy to pop them up on our sites. All you need to do is send your pictures to:

Visit: Melbourne Museum for more information.

This picture shows two of the last Husky dogs in the antartic. These Huskies were tanned using Pizzari Tanning and the dogs have been exhibited in the Melbourne Museum. This picture was taken in the foyer.
Twatts Skin Products- if you're interested in purchasing mounts or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me and I can forward your message or details on.

Risto's GoatSkin Bagpipes click on the link to have a look.

Pizzari Home Tanning Kits in the USA

Pizzari Home Tanning Kits are now being purchased by the US market.

If you're from the US, you'll be able to purchase your Pizzari Home Tanning kits from The Snare Shop - 330 S Main, PO Box 70 Lidderdale, IA 51452 or visit their website as you will also be able to purchase from their online store at:

We are hoping that more retailers will catch onto our product and it is as successful on the US market as it has been here in Australia.
